Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Chinese Fortune

Tonight I picked up Chinese food and the fortune cookie read, "You will soon receive an unusual proposition". I love Chinese fortunes, I don't take them too seriously but I have to admit I am a little intrigued . What unusual proposition? hmmmm... The circus was just in town, perhaps I will be asked to join ? Hey, maybe I will meet a handsome rich man who would offer me a million dollars to sleep with him like in the movie with Demi Moore. Better yet, I have always wanted to be a backup singer, I have tickets to see Kidd Rock in a few weeks... maybe he will ask me to "Ride along" on tour. The fortune clearly states that the proposition has to be unusual... so I hardly think that the customary propositions like "I'll pay for lunch today and you can pick it up tomorrow" should qualify. Unusual in my mind should be something not usual... like the circus or backup singer requests. I love it, now I will be secretly seeking and vigilantly observant to discover the "unusual proposition". I hope it is something good unusual verses a proposition to be a part of some odd medical experiment or travel to some less than exciting destination. I wonder if the creator of this fortune realizes the impact they have on peoples lives? are they liable if I am "less than focused" awaiting a proposition and I miss an opportunity of a lifetime? All things to consider. For tonight I will simply propose this... a good night's sleep and a new day tomorrow. I will keep you posted on any future propositions.

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