Monday, July 27, 2009

Once, I had this Day!

Days are full of realizations, some big some small. Last week I had a BIG realization. My son is 30 years old. He turned 30 in May but it was only last week that I made the connection. On July 24th I celebrated 20 years of sobriety. Everyone has a story and I have mine but that isn't what this is about, this is about the marking of time. 20 years ago I had a rebirth of sorts and 20 years have gone by in a blink. Not day to day... because some days they dragged by and some days I didn't think I would make it and a bath, a walk, a talk with a friend or a good cry lent itself to the next day. When I was my son's age I decided to take a different path then the I had been walking. and I stayed on that path for two decades! I am in disbelief, about the passing of time, in absolute awe. To think at another placemark in time, I will say... I once had this day! What will I say about this day?...It really humbles me and reminds me what a gift life is and to make the most of every day.

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