Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yeah! I got water shoes

Today in a conversation with a friend I made mention of the "little things in life", you know...the little things that give us joy or make our life more comfortable? Things we often take for granted. I remembered because I thought of my water shoes. You see, I can function just fine without water shoes and when we were in Florida this past winter as uncomfortable as I was walking on the weeds and rocks and mucky sinking sand with my bare feet, I managed. A couple of weeks ago I waded into Lake Minnetonka and again, was a little repulsed by the weedy bottom and moved on my tippy toes to quickly find the spots that didn't have any weeds but, I managed. Sunday I found a pair of water shoes! It was wonderful! I walked on the bottom of the weedy lake and hopped on my floatation device and I enjoyed the entire swimming experience. Today , the memory of my water shoes prompted me to think about some of the other things that bring me joy... like spanx, you know the super elastic undergarments that keep you looking lean tight and ten pounds thinner? What about the automatic delay on the coffee maker that allows me to be awakened by the smell of freshly brewed coffee? I could make coffee myself but the auto coffee delay allows me the pleasure of waking up in the morning to that wonderful aroma. How about the "vibrate" feature on your cell phone? It is sure easier than turning your phone on and off when you are in a meeting or at the movies. All the little things like automatic doors and bathroom water faucets and paper towel dispensers. All these little things that we don't even realize, (except the time I stood in front of the door waiting for it to open and realized I had to actually grab the handle and do it myself). As I moved through my evening, I had to smile ...I have all of these things that make me happy! I don't need them, I can live without them but they are here entirely to make my life just a little bit more comfortable.

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