Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Things that go bump in my life

Fear is something we all deal with in our lives. As a child I was scared of the dark and ghosts and imagined monsters under my bed . As an adult the fears are much the same only the fear of the dark is fear of the unknown the ghosts are remnants of the baggage I carry from negative past experiences and monsters are the events that render me powerless and frozen, too stunned to react. How often my fears are imagined scenarios I play over in my mind. I tell myself that it is in preparation, you know, "the worse case scenario"?...in reality my scenarios rarely come to fruition. In fact a description of fear is "Fictional Events Appearing Real. For me, fear is the absence of faith, and faith is just the knowing that whatever happens is by some design that I am just too small to understand. I pray for understanding, I pray for courage, I pray for wisdom but I realize that I do not have any control over the outcomes only the actions that lead to them. I forget these things sometimes, spiritual amnesia , then I have reflective moments and I remember. My favorite author Marianne Williamson says "Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here." We are born trusting and we learn to mistrust... first others and then probably the most tragic, ourselves. For today I rely on faith and trust in myself that if history is an indication of the future, no matter what happens, It will be exactly as predicted but not by me!

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