Monday, July 13, 2009

On my refrigerator

I have really enjoyed writing this blog every day. It enables to me be more present to the happenings of the day and I find myself thinking about which topic I can write about. Tonight I am getting a late start but I had decided upon my topic earlier in the evening . I really like to write about the ordinary, the things we just do, say or participate in that we give little thought to. Sometimes I feel more profound and write about things that I grapple with or think about. At any rate. this blog is a way of unwinding and spilling out the unused mental energies of the day. Today I want to write about my refrigerator. I realized that my refrigerator says alot about me. I have photos of my friends , my family and my grandchildren as well as clever magnets with unique sayings like "A fool and his money are my kind of guy". I have a photo of myself by my brother-in-laws race car, on the edge of the Grand Canyon and dressed as a nun with my sister. I have magnets that express my philosphies like "I am not hard to please I just like things done MY WAY!" and "I understand the concept of COOKING & CLEANING just not as it applies to me". I am fan of the Wizard of Oz and I am also convinced I was a witch in a former life... thus the "Now be gone before somebody drops a house on you! and "Don't make me get the winged monkeys!" magnets. I have meter that can be changed on a daily basis to reflect the mood I am in...happy, naughty, get the drift. I display the serenity prayer , my work "Start!" magnet and my favorite, photos of my boyfriend and I in the dollar photo booth smiling and kissing. I am amazed at the simple ways we can express ourselves and our creativity. My refrigerator is like my very own Hall of Fame and work of art. You will know when you become someone special to me when you appear on my refrigerator. My refrigerator has evolved through the years. my children's works of art have been replaced by my grandchildren's and the photographs of tiny infants are replaced by the one, three, five and eight year olds. I guess I just stopped for a moment today and realized the ways in which we unknowingly attempt to be understood, to be special, unique and most importantly to be acknowledged. I love my refrigerator and I love everything on it.

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