Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Serious Subject of Letting Go

By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond the winning.-- Lao Tzu

I talked with someone today about their frustrations and concerns regarding someone that they love. Intuitively I could feel their frustration, fear and powerlessness. How simple it seems, if only we could wave a magic wand and people, places or situations would do as we wished? That thought leads me to remember though... I have not always done so well given the power over my own life, let alone to have charge of another.

Today I am grateful for the friends and teachers who are there for me to help me realize that the illusion I have control is the illusion of my humanity and to remind me I wouldn't really want that power anyway. I love this quote! Simply stated, The world is unfolding as it should whether that is clear to us or not and whether Kim is fighting to achieve or allowing to unfold the world is beyond winning!

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