Thursday, July 16, 2009

Adventures for peanuts!

Today I am on yet another adventure. This morning I am on a flight making my way to Nashville Tennessee to spend time with my girlfriend Toni. I love everything about an adventure. Adventures are exciting because I am never really sure what is around the next corner, what hidden treasurers I may find, interesting people that may join me on my journey, even if for a block or two. As I am seated on the plane and writing this I have already had one very pleasant surprise… Damn if we don’t get our peanuts back. If you recall many airlines quit serving peanuts a number of years ago. I am not sure what prompted that decision. Perhaps it was economics, if each miniature bag of peanuts cost the airline 50 cents and an average DC9 with approximately 110 seats charges each passenger on average $250 per ticket that could potentially save them $125 per flight. Wow! What a savings!!!…That means that one half of one seat goes entirely to fund peanuts. Perhaps the decision was in respect to those with peanut allergies?. That makes a good argument, I am not sure about you, I already have fears of sitting next to chatty Kathy or Pogo stick Paul who is in and out of the seat the entire flight, I do not want to add to my list of fears the thought of sitting next to someone going into anaphylactic shock because someone in first class is eating a peanut. Then there are the dietary factors… peanuts are high in fat and for awhile peanuts were replaced with pretzels. How considerate of the airlines to be thinking of my arterial health. Well regardless, I am sure it took customer feedback surveys, financial analysis and Executive level meetings to decide to bring back the peanuts So, as I thumb though my “Skymall magazine” and eat my little pile of peanuts and drink my complimentary beverage I am delighted!. Can life get any better than this? Hmmm I guess I will have to see what adventures await me. Stay tuned!


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