Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Spiritual GPS

I am directionally challanged! Ok... I admit it. I spent over a decade traveling rural areas for my career and I could always find my way from Jones corner to the cemetary road down by the old mill but put me in the middle of an urban area with a few hundred cars, lights, horns merging trafffic and a million different options and I am lost. At the urging of my staff, friends and family I finally broke down and purchased a GPS system. I can't believe that I have survived without one. It reminds me a little of my microwave oven back in the early "80's". My Grandma bought me one as a gift and I remember thinking that it was really nice but I questioned if I would ever use it... think again...again, I can't imagine my life without it. I call my new GPS Gypsy, because she has a robotic, mysterious female voice and she foretells the future. In fact, I have learned so much about myself already from Gypsy. I learned that using a GPS requires a fair amount of faith. You program in the address of your destination and press "GO". Gypsy takes it from there. At every intersection, lane change and Avenue she tells me step by step how to get there. I am in total trust of Gypsy's fortune telling ability and I blindly follow her words. Oh, there is a little map that shows a little blue car that travels the path with pink lines and white curves to indicate the immediate journey ahead but in truth it is Gypsy's voice that directs me. There have been a couple of times in which I doubted her and I took control, only to be reminded of my fore mentioned confession, I am still directionally challenged. I guess I have to try it out once in awhile to remember how I got to relying on her in the first place. Perhaps I feel that after a short time with her guidance I will be healed in some way and I will suddenly have some epiphany and be able to navigate on my own? Regardless, I have found myself humbled asking for Gypsy's advice. She never judges me, she just picks up where we left off and soon I am back on my journey again.

I can't help but be reminded of the similarities to my relationship with my spiritual power When I let go of the outcomes of my life and put the journey in the hands of what I have come to believe as my God, then I make the journey painlessly and without delay. When I get in my own way, and start to believe that I know what is best for me, that is when I am quickly reminded and humbled to once again realize, that I need the direction of something more all knowing then myself. I don't profess to understand or to know anything about religion, or science. I only know that for me, when I place my life and will in the hands of God and allow that to move as it will, I am at peace. It does not always mean that I will be put on a path without slowdowns, stops or merging traffic, but I can trust, if history is an indicator, I will get to where I need to when I need to get there. Just like Gypsy, when I suffer spiritual amnesia and go back to my former habits, I am never judged, but am soon back on the journey again and I am reminded, how did I ever survive without God? oh yes... I remember that I did survive... but now, I live! Intersections, merging traffic and all and I can enjoy the journey.

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