Sunday, August 16, 2009

Parking Out Of The Lines

I believe everyone has their little quirks , strange things they do... the beauty of our relationships with others is that they put our quirks front and center so that you are sure to see them. If I hadn't anyone close to me I may not notice that I don't screw the lids back on jars, I may just grumble under my breath, when I have to pick out the pieces of Kleenex because I forgot to take them out of my pocket before I did the laundry, but no one would be the wiser. Other useful realizations include my dislike for the ends of pickles, spiders and insects with more than 4 legs, my refusing to drink water unless it is cold or with ice , and the fact that I am directionally challenged. I have also become aware that I announce when I am going to the bathroom, (comes from the years of children yelling for me when they couldn't find me), I leave Kleenex in rolled up little balls under my pillow and I don't like to eat a meal alone and I sometimes can't remember what I went into the room to get. You may have encountered that vehicle in the parking lot that is parked over the yellow lines , I have a confession, it could be me.

Most of the quirky things I do are outside of the lines. I have become desensitized to them. Having others in my life helps me challenge myself to be better. It would be easy if I only had to answer to me, but It would also facilitate complacency. Being a part of a relationship, a family, community or team keeps me accountable to others and essentially to myself. It is through this process that I can evolve and grow and always have a list of things to work on.

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