Monday, January 17, 2011


"Men will slap your ass, your girlfriends will save it". unknown

I had a wonderful dinner tonight with a highschool girlfriend. There is nothing like spending time with someone who knew you back then! you know, back before you had all the baggage you carry around today. She knew me before jobs, marriage, kids, divorce and all lifes ups and downs. She knew me when there was a hell of a lot less of me to know. We knew each other, and that is what makes female relationships so rewarding. I love my girlfriends. I can't imagine my life without the women who have been such an integral part of it. At every phase women have showed up to help. They gave advice, pointed the way, extended a hand to help me up when I was flat on my back and didn't think I had the strength to move into the next day. They packed me up when I needed to move on, they put away the dishes in exactly the right cupboards. When my Grandma died and I thought that I would never survive the pain a girlfriend sat with me while I cried. Tonight, I pay tribute to all of them! Thank you!

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