Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Decade!

I do believe, Kim, that if people would just start by saying "it's fun," when it seems hard; "I'm happy," when they seem sad; and "I know," when it seems as if they don't, they'd finally discover that it really is, they really are, and they always have.

Works for me,
The Universe

I get daily quotes sent to me from the Universe, sometimes they are thought provoking other times humorous and sometimes they tell me something that I forgot and needed to be reminded. I chose this quote as a way to end the decade. Yes, the END of a decade.

Ten Years have come and gone and while on vacation I reflected on the meaning of the past decade and I was amazed, simply amazed. I couldn't believe how many experiences, lessons and wonder I had experienced. Below is a recap of some of the highlights.

I made 5 different career moves and promotions and moved 5 times. I lived in Madison and Milwaukee Wisconsin, Rochester Hills, Michigan... and back home to my hometown Sauk Rapids, Minnesota and landed here in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Ten years ago Samantha had just left the nest since then I have become a grandmother 5 times. Beginning with the birth of Julian, then Avrie, then Simon and then came Violette and ended the decade with the birth of Nim.

I bought 4 brand new vehicles, a 2000 Celica, 2002 RAV 4, 2009 Camary, 2010 RAV 4.

I traveled to Europe...Belgium,Luxemborg,France, Neatherlands, Germany, Holland. I also traveled to Bermuda. In the US I visited Las Vegas, Nashville, St Louis, Chicago, Phoenix (more than once), Florida 3 times. I had the breath taking experience of gazing upon the Grand Canyon and floating near Niagra Falls.

I am in awe of how I reinvented my life. There have been endings like that with my divorce but new beginnings as well. I fell in love a couple of times and I grew in ways I would never have imagined. I gained and lost weight,(I even did a glamour photo shoot to show it off). I attended numerous concerts and plays. I swam with wild dolphins and parasailed above the ocean, I climbed out on an overhang above the Grand Canyon. I rode roller coasters, took boat cruises, danced the night away in Nashville.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened", Anatole France. I loved my dog Sophie whom I left in the loving care of my ex-husband when we divorced. She died this year after so many years of unconditional love. I have a new furry friend Hazel who brings me love and joy. We have an interesting relationship and I say relationship because we "break up" and "get back together" often.

While all of this was happening on the outside, so many things transpired internally, I grew in ways I never could have imagined. I learned to dance... the swing, fox trot, tango and walz and yes even belly dancing. I learned yoga and took french.

Spiritually, I followed my spirit, my soul and my love of God. I said goodbye and I said hello. I loved and I let go.

It has been a wonderful decade but most importantly it gives me such hope and optimism. I mean, if my life could have been so full the past ten years, I can't even begin to think of what this new decade can bring. I am so excited! I love my life. I love my friends and my family and my work. I love all of the things I dislike, and as much as I love the comfort of happiness and peace, I love the other stuff too because without the contrast I don't know that I would realize what wonder there is in every single moment. That is what life is, it is made of moments, so much dependent upon how I choose to view them. Thus the above quote. As I begin the journey to 2011, I pray I can keep my spirit alive and that spark of realization that I am choosing how I respond to the everyday gifts and challanges around me. It is not easy moving closer to the end of life but I certainly have more of an awareness of the movement. In my youth I thought it would go on forever, now I know understand it won't and I live to make everyday count.

Goodbye wonderful, wonderful decade! Hello to the new! HAPPY NEW YEAR~!

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