Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 A Blank Page

“I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.”
Anne Lamott

2011 is a blank canvas and I get to place the pigment and oil upon it. If my past is any indicator, not only does it hold the potential of a year but it is the beginning of a new decade that promises to bring many lessons. As any artist, I will sketch the outline of my painting in pencil so that I can erase it and make adjustments and corrections, a list of 31 things that I commit to doing in 2011. Why 31 you ask? I took 20 plus 11 which gave me 31.

A special thank you to my dear friend Janet who helped inspire me to do this. Below I will list all of the items on my list and I will document and blog about each of them. I am so excited to begin, and I am certain that at the close of 2011 I will not be left as I am found now, but new and changed! Let's see shall we?

Thirty One Things I will do in 2011

1. Purchase a guitar and take lessons

2. Write a poem or story and make a photo book to support it.

3. Go to church (at least once)

4. Loose those crazy pounds I let sneak up. Wear my sexy dress for my birthday!

5. See a musical

7. Ask for six people's book recommendations and read them

8. Display family photos in my home

9. Host a girls slumber party

10. See an Opera

11. Make homemade pizza

12. Do an "at home" spa weekend

13. Send a Birthday card to my parents, grandchildren, children and their spouses

14. Have a picnic in the living room in midst of winter

15. Have a body wrap, (seaweed or mud or something)

16. Make fresh squeezed orange juice

17. Travel to Belgium

18. Learn a little french

19. Take a frame worthy photo, frame and display it

20. Prepare an ethnic meal six times... Indian, Italian, Chinese, Greek, French, Cajun.

21. Sing Karoke in public

22. Vist a palm reader or psychic

23. Give $250 annonymously to someone who really needs it.

24. Take Opera voice lessons

25. Camping (twice)

26. Make homemade salsa

27. Don't complain for one week

28. Write a letter to open in 5 years

29 See an opera

30. Do reflexology

31. Send 3 people (not realatives) a surprise

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