Thursday, January 13, 2011

Don't Do That!

“How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.” Oscar Wilde

Like many women, when I became single I did what many women do. I looked to the great shelves of Barnes and Noble, Borders and to find books that would help me ease the transition to the dating world. I read all kinds of things from "Dating for Dummies", "Why Men Love Bitches", (or something like that) and of course the classic "He's not that into you". Well ladies, I have decided that I am going to write a book and I am going to call it "Don't Do That"! I didn't have to go far to find the contents for the book, any kitchen or cubical conversation usually involves the subject of some man who is causing some sort of grief for one of my sisters. Don't get me wrong, I love men! I love their strength, their presence, their perspective. I want my life to include a man or men. I love my father who gave me a solid foundation on what a man should be. I love my son, whom I believe I raised to be a caring considerate human being who is now a loving husband and father. I love the other 50% of the human species!!!! However, books like "He's not that into you".... prompt me to share a bit of my knowledge with some of the men in the world, (those secure enough to listen) as what NOT to do.

Giving my new project some thought and knowing men to be visual I decided that the packaging of my new book will be as important as the content. I will make it the size of a "Golden Book" and the front cover will yield a beautiful woman shaking her finger as to suggest "DON'T DO THAT"!(ya ya I know that may be a turn on, but worth the risk). Inside there will be some very key points as to what NOT to do when dating. If we know you are 'NOT THAT INTO US"... You should know we don't like it when you do THAT! All is fair right? So men.... be looking for this new wealth of enlightenment to hit bookstores soon, along with a very visible book signing tour and media campaign. If you have had trouble sustaining a solid relationship, getting to that second or third date or simply understanding the female species, this book will be for you. It will give you simple suggestions of what not to do, which translates to what to do, to make us happy! I think you may be surprised~! stay tuned.

Disclaimer: The contents of my book do not necessarily implicate my boyfriend. However, it has become a great tool to suggest that his actions or lack of could land him in my book. Sorry honey!

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