Sunday, February 20, 2011

#16 Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice

There is nothing like the taste of fresh squeezed Orange Juice, it is such a treat. The best orange juice isn't so much about the juice but more about where I enjoyed it. I have wonderful memories of sipping a cold glass of OJ sitting in a little cafe in Florida or Arizona. I know it sounds cheesy but it tastes like sunshine in a glass. As much as I like fresh squeezed orange juice, other than ordering on rare occasions, I have never actually made it I decided that #16 was going to be making "fresh squeezed orange juice".

The lesson I learned at the beginning of this venture was to make sure you have the right equipment. Day 1, I didn't actually have a juicer but had the lemon and lime squeezer that I got for Christmas last year I thought that would be good enough. I purchased two large bags of oranges and planned a great breakfast of a Greek scramble and of course orange juice(Ben made the scramble while I squeezed). I set out to accomplish my goal. My God, I squeezed and squeezed after all that I got enough juice to get (2) very small glasses of orange juice, a small slice of sunshine. There had to be an easier way??? I wanted more. Ha! Day 2, that is where having the right equipment comes in, a trip to Target and Taada! an electric juicer. The whole process made so much easier. Fresh OJ with Cinnamon French toast, sausage and hash browns. Ben suggested adding a few "blood oranges" to add to the flavor, mmmmmm. I love my new juicer, Now I can have fresh squeezed orange juice anytime I want it and in the summer fresh squeezed lemonade. I can also make all kinds of memories and have my littel sip of sunshine any time I need one. #16 completed and enjoyed!

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