Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Human Life is a Story Told By God

A human life is a story told by God. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Much has been written about our human existance by people much wiser and with much more knowledge than me. Tonight I am reflecting on how many try to avoid life with as little pain as possible. They will do most anything to keep themselves safe, protected and cushioned from the emotional obstacles that life can offer. I see them put on their Sunday best every day, clean and pristine and sit on the sidelines to keep unmarked, fresh. I am not judging but only to say I want to live my life dirty, messy, I love rolling in the mud of everything this world has to offer and tomorrow I will wake up and put on another clean appearance only to end the day with stains and grit. Isn't that why we are here? I have to believe that my creator had some plan for my being a part of this all and I have to believe that whatever s/he hopes me to learn or accomplish is going to be more difficult when I am not participating. I love participating, I love feeling, and growing and learning, falling and pulling myself up again. I love shedding the old and recreating the new, I love this life I was given. It is a gift, my human life is a story... it may only be interesting to me but along this journey I have stopped at the intersections with many and they are a story too. We are all a story, some long, some short but I want my story to be a drama, a suspense, a mystery a comedy a tear jerker, I want my story to be something I decided to co-create rather than pages of words that just blindly move along. What will be the story of your life?

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