Monday, March 22, 2010

Immmmmm Baaaack!

"You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think. "
— Marianne Williamson

It has been months since my last blog and I feel as though it was another life. I have since relocated which was a whole process. The process of letting go of so many things and of new beginnings. I would say that I am now in the process of another beginning. I am trying to find me AGAIN. Is it that I hide from myself, or is it that I never really have it as figured out as I think I do? I have left the comfortable to the unknown and although I have done that many many times in my life, this time is different because it is "Kimberly" who is calling all the shots. At first the thought of that seemed overwhelming. Oh, I didn't realize it at first. I was busy determining what I was going to pack, what kind of housing I would look for and tending to all of the business that needed doing. I don't know at what point I realized that I was writing my life. I guess I am still in a state of shock about it all. I haven't settled into a routine, and without a daily commute my days seem to hold much more potential. It still feels like I am on retreat and I am going to go home but then I have those moments where I realize that I am home.

My relationships with others have also taken on a new dimension. I am either closer or more distant. Some because of location, others because perhaps our paths of split in the road for a part of the journey. Regardless, I mention the quote above because I realize perhaps the most interesting and powerful relationship is with ourselves. I think I am just a little weary, and I need a moment to just quiet myself again. Being back here is a good place to begin.